Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Looking for Salvation at the Dairy Queen hits SIBA best-seller list

Let's celebrate with a Dilly Bar!

Looking for Salvation at the Dairy Queen climbed into the Southern Independent Book Association best-seller list for the week of 3/30. That just goes to show what good taste in literature the folks south of the Mason-Dixon line have!

There's a gentleman in the Northeast that is the purveyor of good taste in literary fiction (and literary non-fiction for that matter) who has committed to tell the world about this gem of a book. But, I'll save that for another post, when I've got a date to provide.

Susan Gregg Gilmore was interviewed by a journalist she has admired for years, John Siegenthaler, for the television show Word on Words, scheduled to air May 18. I was in the control room with Producer Jonathan Harwell during the taping and was impressed by how prepared his whole team was for the interview -- everybody knew the book inside out.

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